Access grants tables

  • Object Record Tables: Example: Quote__c
    • Store records of the object
    • Has record ownership field: OwnerId referencing to [ "Group", "User" ]
    • OwnerId is base field on which Platform's sharing is built-on
  • Object Sharing Tables: Example: Quote__Share
    • Store data that supports:
      • explicit grants
      • implicit grants
    • Each Object (thus Object Record Table) has its own Object Sharing table (unless the object is a detail in a master-detail relationship)
    • In master-detail relationships, the Object Sharing table for the master object controls access to the detail object - since the detail objects do not have OwnerId field.
  • Group Maintenance Tables
    • store the data supporting:
      • group membership
      • inherited access grants
Table Function
Object Sharing Tables Store access grants to individuals and groups. Each of rows (called sharing rows) grants a user or group access to a particular record
Group Maintenance Tables Store the list of users or groups that belong to each group, indicating group membership. Single group membership or inherited access grant can give several users and groups multiple ways to access a record. Also includes including system-defined group. System-defined groups are groups of users that Salesforce creates and manages internally to support various features and behaviors, such as queues and hierarchies. For every node in role hierarchy, 2 types of system-defined groups is used : Role groups and RoleAndSubordinates groups

Object Record Table: Quote__c:

Object Sharing Table: Quote__sharing:

Group Maintenance Tables: Group and GroupMember:

Describe Group:

Label Name Nillable Picklistvalues Referenceto Relationshipname Type Unique Updateable
Group ID Id FALSE -- -- null id FALSE FALSE
Name Name FALSE -- -- null string FALSE TRUE
Developer Name DeveloperName TRUE -- -- null string FALSE TRUE
Related ID RelatedId TRUE -- [ "User", "UserRole" ] null reference FALSE FALSE
Type Type FALSE [ "AllCustomerPortal" , "CollaborationGroup" , "Manager" , "ManagerAndSubordinatesInternal" , "Organization" , "PRMOrganization" , "Queue" , "Regular" , "Role" , "RoleAndSubordinates" , "RoleAndSubordinatesInternal" , "SharingRuleGroup" , "Territory" , "TerritoryAndSubordinates" ] -- null picklist FALSE FALSE
Email Email TRUE -- -- null email FALSE TRUE
Owner ID OwnerId FALSE -- [ "Organization", "User" ] Owner reference FALSE FALSE
Send Email to Members DoesSendEmailToMembers FALSE -- -- null boolean FALSE TRUE
Include Bosses DoesIncludeBosses FALSE -- -- null boolean FALSE TRUE

How Salesforce joins entities to providing access to record (RecordId) of ObjectRecordTable:

  • Org wide Filter: orgId
  • Logged in user: userId
  • Get the OwnerId of the record (recordId) the user seeking access from ObjectRecordTable (recordId, OwnerId, ...)

  • record must exist
  • either the Object Sharing Table or the Group Maintenance tables must grant access